Saturday 3 March 2012

Being rather than doing

So placement has started in the past week and what a truly amazing week it has been.  My social placement is at The Salvation Army men's hostel called the Anchorage.  Wow what an eye opener.

One of the difficulties for me on this placement is simply just being rather than doing.  During the day I have felt that I am not doing anything (I am such a 'J').  It feels as though I am just taking up space but over the past few days I have discovered that I don't actually have to DO anything to be affective.  Isn't it interesting that we always have to feel that in order to be doing anything worthwhile we need to be busy?

When I think of Jesus' ministry I am reminded that He didn't always do anything.  Rather, He interacted with people, just being available and listening to their stories.  I am finding that as I spend time with the guys at the Anchorage I notice that I am actually making a difference in their day.  Lately for some they seem to come alive as they interact with someone who just wants to hear their stories.  I am learning so much about people and God.  I think if Jesus was here He wouldn't be trying to fix a problem per se but rather, He would be just sitting with them; listening to the people He was with.

Being Jesus to another person does not mean that you necessarily need to do anything other than just be yourself and just being available.  So am I doing anything during my day?  Absolutely!!  Investing time in another human beings life is probably the best thing you can ever do.  I think in many circumstances it is that availability and genuine interest in a person (even the ones who annoy you to no end) that makes the biggest difference in a life.  The things you can learn about another when you just give them some time is truly life changing.  It is the ones that society would generally brush aside that can teach us the most amazing things about life and about our God.

Wanna be Jesus?  Be available.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.  So that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish, but would receive eternal life. - John 3:16

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